Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Sphere agitates

On the first battle, the smoke has settled and the laser fire died down. But stir the embers does the Prophet. Continue to whine about his innocence he does, suggest another face to his capitulation he does. Decided have they, the Lords of the CMCF of the mediation terms, and cement has the Federation of its terms.

But changed nothing has, not from the Prophet's perspective. Always impose his worldview he has, and censor and moderate he always has done. Claim many times he has, in his wanton defence, that hijacking of his blog he disallows. Yet thru this, silence his critics he does, without discourse and ensure only one track of opinion he does. Nothing will change, discern the Sith, with the ruling of the Lords of the CMCF.

So now moderate and be wary of his commentators he must, and much more careful in his discourse he must be. For reined in by the Federation he has, and put on notice he will be soon. The Prophet has long used words carefully to provoke his targets, but leave room to slither out when cornered. Surprised though he was when his own tactics were used against him by the Mandarin of the Mainstream.

Cry though the Prophet will, but on deaf ears will they fall. Already his idolatry is waning for his capitulation. But like the dim-witted they are, see not do his followers of the moderation and censorship which always existed. Piece by piece will the Prophet's message be decimated, until exposed it will be for its inherent self-interest and glory.

Sith and Jedi alike watch in interest, eternally cognizant of the Force which binds us.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Prophet is under siege

In disarray is the Sphere as its Prophet is called to task by the Mandarins of the Federation. In his own way does the prophet seek to disinform, in a battle to save his own credibility. Christen it the Mainstream against the Blog he does, but in vain is this action. Misjudge and attempt to disinform does the Prophet rely on now, as propaganda he pushes for supporters to feed on.

Understand should the Prophet and his allies, that such is not the battle or the goal. Imply the way he does, that a larger battle this is, is wholly unfounded. For the battle is between the Mandarins of the Mainstream and the Prophet of Screen. Only with him does their beef lie, for his past transgressions of misinformation. Only with him does their ire focus, for silent they have sat for too long.

When a young, innocent lass did the Prophet involve, remove the gloves did the Mandarins. Led on by the desire to defend the paternal pride of one of their own, train their sights on the Prophet and his ilk they now do.

The ancients hath once said, "Live by the sword, die by the sword". Such is the mantra which the Mandarins now use. Turn the same sword of the Prophet against him, they propose. With his own petard, they will hoist.

But protest too much does the Prophet. Whine he does of freedom of speech and after speech. In vain is all this, for the Prophet lacks mention of the lines of honour he hath crossed. When in dishonor you ply your trade, in dishonor will you be put. And in dishonor will your allies desert you.

Miss the Prophet will, of Sith and Jedi who have silently defended his existence. For disdain them he has, and in arrogance suggest of his dominance. Now, silent will the Sith remain, as the Prophet is attacked. In meditation will the Sith concentrate, in blissful ignorance of the chaos. Allow the dark energies of the Force thrown up to infuse our being, will the Sith.

Yes, the age of the Dark Side is arising. Arising from the ashes of the Sphere which once reigned supreme. In the past lies its glory, but in the future lies its destiny.

A destiny guided by the Sith who have returned.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The ambrosia talks

With the scribe did the Sith discourse with. And in the machinations, a plot was hatched. A plot of irreverence and irrelevant action. A plot to destroy and to mock, to throw into a new illumination what is banal and inane.

Understand the need for the inconsequential, do the Sith. Understand well they do, but practice it the Sith have not. Now, into this realm will the Sith venture. Much use of the Force is required and satisfaction will it give, for revive the old skills will the Sith.

Revive the humor the Sith had lost, lost a long time ago during the Clone Wars. Yes, back the Sith will return.

Back to the future.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Fear leads to Anger

Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate and Hate leads to Suffering. Wise was my old nemesis, Jedi Master Yoda when those words he uttered. Warn of the Dark Side he did, but pay heed mortals will not. Doomed they are for to its destiny their future lies.

Fear, do the citizens of the Federation show, as increase the crime rate has. Increase to high proportions, and braver are the criminals becoming. Murdering for a mobile device and a couple of bucks, they have been doing. Lives of young padawans and scholars, ended prematurely they have been. Care not for the enforcement they do, for lax this has become. Plagued by inefficiency and apathy this has been, and within this void will the criminal prosper.

Anger now the mortals show, suggest vigilante action they do. Soon, hate they will. Not only of the criminals, but all those who they see as different. Already within the Force can the Sith sense the disharmony. Already, the percusors to the envelope of Hate the Sith see happening. More will fall to the Dark Side, more will there be of minds for the Sith to corrupt. Abundant will the energies the Sith can feed on.

Yes, Hate more, mortals of the Federation. Long have the Sith not fed on so much, sweet is the nectar of Suffering as it infuses the Dark Side.

Let your Anger wash over you.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Culling

Spoken of the battle royale have the Sith, a battle which will end the battles of the past. Already the first shots have been fired by the Senators of the Federation, with the manipulations spreading beyond the halls of the executive into the dark corridors of the Trade Federation and the Mandarins of the Mainstream.

Amass their powers have the Senators and the Chancellor of the Federation, as guided by the young Sithawan-in-law, he launches his broadside against the dissent of his administration. Already, the former Chancellor has been thwarted, with the next wave of attack firmly lodged into the inner core of the Sphere. The degeneration of the once august movement will now accelerate as its Prophets are made to account for the blasphemy and disinformation they have long sowed. Disinformation sowed with only self-glory and influence as its unilateral goal.

The Mandarin of the Mainstream, at the Prophet of Screen has taken his aim. Shoot him down he now does, utilizing the same play on words and double entendres which the Prophet of Screen had made his own. The ancients hath said of this, hoist by one's own petard. Clearly understand does the Mandarin Guna of the meaning of the word shoot, but use this to his advantage he now does. Just as the Prophet of Screen hath many times used to discredit his detractors. Hijack the blog, common now that phrase is.

Confused too is the Prophet of Aiseh, as shuttle between his indecision to retire and return he does. Suggest support does his benefactor, but only time will tell of the effectiveness of this.

Long have the Sith waited for such a time. A time when armageddon of the Sphere is in conflagaration with the flames of the Federation's political machinations. A time when mayhem and destruction is upon us. A time when a war is waged over the Sphere and the Force which binds it. A time when Sith will rise to dominate again, and in the process gather about them sithawan and other Sith who once were Jedi.

A time when Sith will feed, feed off the path of Fear, Anger, Hate, Suffering. A time when the Dark Side of the Force rises.

Expectant, as always, are the Sith.